In our class discussion over the story The Guest, we discussed the isolation Daru went through. It seems as though he hinted that he loved the isolation and found enjoyment in it. I found this to be somewhat interesting. What did I do? I did what I do often, I decided to do some research.
According to researchers “Loneliness is a universal human emotion, yet it is both complex and unique to each individual. While common definitions of loneliness describe it as a state of solitude or being alone, loneliness is actually a state of mind.” (
Daru lived in the schoolhouse alone. Even author Camus describes the place as the “frigid classroom” (Camus 2574.) He was accustomed to being alone. I felt that Daru felt a little annoyed when the two came, and he was given the task of taking the man and turning him in. Daru was being taken out of his element, and didn’t seem to like it. Although while there Daru respected the man, and showed kindness and cared for him, he was uncomfortable. It was like he was craving his time alone. It seems it was use to being alone so I it was like second nature to him.
Also according to the website “People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people. Maybe Daru wanted a companion but felt as if it was hard to connect with the them, or maybe he just didn’t want to.” (
Well, that is just sad. If I'm not mistaken, you said that lonely people want to spend time with people but it is very hard for them. It would be awful to want to do something but your body will not let you. I do see what you are talking about about. “At the same time he felt awkward and self-conscious with his big body wedged between the two beds.” (2579) I think it is weird that he became a school teacher. Do you think he was excited about the weather preventing the students from showing up for the next few months?