Thursday, February 10, 2011

Barrelmaker Brimful of Love

I think the story was very interesting.The way Old Nanny arranged for Osen and the cooper to be together. She tricked the family Osen worked for and also had a talk with Osen about the cooper.Old Nanny made Osen think she's the reason she was going to die early,knowing Osen would feel bad and agree to meeting the cooper.Normally two people were arranged to marry and wouldn't really love or want eachother, but Osen and the cooper were good together.The newly weds proved quite compatible and their luck was good.(Saikaku 600) Some of the story really reminds me of todays' society. The situation that reminds me of society of today is when Osenis accussed of committing a harsh sin and crime, when she only was there to offer her services.(Saikaku 601)Osen told her "The master was taking some bowls down from the shelf and one fell on me. That's how it happened."But the lady didn't believe her.(Saikaku 602) After constantly being accussed she decided she might as well do just what she is being accussed of. My sleeve is already wet with tears. Having suffered the shame, there is nothing left to lose.I shall make love to to Chozaemon which soon resulted in a secret exchange of promises between two. (Saikaku 602) Alot of times thats what happen in todays society, a person dosen't have to be at all attracted to someone, but if they are constantly being accusses, they do things out of hatred.


  1. I agree that hatred makes u do things that you regret or don’t agree with. Today’s society does play a vast role on the decisions that we make, but ultimately we at some point have to decide when our needs are more important than the societies. We don’t have to always conform to the decisions of what others portray as right or wrong, but we have to choose to fight these obstacles in the best way that conforms to our decisions, needs, and morals. Doing something to get back at someone because you are being accused of it doesn’t make the situation better. It just creates a burden on yourself of knowing that you made a self conscious decision due to an accusation. The end result of doing this will just hurt you more, because you end up being the person hurting because u did something u regret out of spite, and not because it was the right thing to do, or that u wanted to do in the first place Osen was a precise example of this because she ultimately killed herself because a unwise decision she made, and felt the betrayal .

  2. According to the dictionary hatred is an intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility. When that emotion is within us it makes us do the unthinkable. We are so wrapped up in the intensity of the moment we forget about the consequences. We become what our accusers claim us to be. We often give up and except the negativity instead of taking credibility in ourselves. We keep caught up in what's false we forget about the truth. As Shanice said it "creates a burden on yourself." Osen felt as she betrayed herself, which her punishment as well as her societies was death.
